How to make sure that your wintercress will bloom this year


On December 4th all women named Barbora (Barbara) celebrate their name day. The old pagan custom says that girls went out looking for barborkas flowers, but they were mainly looking for cherry tree branches to put in a vase. The tradition has it that if the branch cut on the Barbora name day bloomed on Christmas Day, the girl will marry within a year and day. This custom has survived (to a much lesser extent) to this day… Do you believe in the
magic of these twigs? We shall help you to try.

Barborka flowers do not predict future weddings only

Girls plucked twigs for the same reason not only from cherries, but also from other fruit trees, such as cherry, apple or peach trees. Single girls were allowed to get several twigs and name them after their boyfriends and the twig that bloomed first represented the potential husband. Or based on the booming twigs the girls tried to determine which days in the next year will be lucky for them. Magic is magic.

BarborkaPhoto: Pixabay

How to care for your twigs?

First of all choose twigs that have many buds and look healthy. Cut them carefully because you do not want to damage the tree. Use sharp scissors and cut the twig at an angle to make the area that will be absorbing water as large as possible. Place the twig in a vase with water, but do not place it in a warm room immediately. Let it adapt in a colder place, for example in the corridor or pantry. After a few hours, you can bring it to a warm room.

How long before the twigs bloom?

Within three weeks the branches should bloom. If you want to see blooming twigs – any twigs faster, get a forsythia or willow twigs. These will bloom almost immediately…

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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