How to make a composter and compost

Each garden creates more than enough organic waste. Every person who lives in a family house or works on a garden would agree with us. This is also why you should store all organic matter and waste and make compost. You can go for either classic composter, which you make yourself from metal or wood. Check this link composter. There are many composters on the market and you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Making compost is not exactly a science and in the following lines we shall tell you why.

Buying a composter is easier

As already mentioned above, there are two ways how to make a compost and a composter. The first method is to make it yourself. Nothing complicated. You need four beams and few boards to make a rectangular or square composter. Metal structures with metal sides or wooden boards are also excellent. If you want to save time, buy a composter box. There are plenty of them on the market.

How to start filling your composter box

You have bought a composter or made one, but how should you go about filling it with the right organic matter? First, place small twigs on the bottom and cover them with a layer of straw. This layering will make the compost breathe better and it will also get rid of unpleasant smell. When done, you may start putting in grass, leaves and other components. A good idea is to add some soil from time to time.


Photo: Radek Štěpán

What to watch for when composting

You need to pay attention to two things. The first one is moisture. Do not let your compost go dry. Lack of moisture can completely stop the composting process. The compost will turn grey and you will see woodlouses running around. When your compost is getting dry, sprinkle it with rainwater. You can also add more wet matter to keep it moist. On the other hand, compost should not be overly wet either. Too much moisture may start a rotting process and you do not want that. To protect it from too much water you may install a roof over the composter – composters from the store usually have a plastic lid. To maintain proper moisture lever, when your compost is too wet, add dry matter which should absorb the excess of moisture.


Photo: Pixabay

When can you start using your compost?

You have to be patient. No compost may be used right away. Many factors play an important role, i.e. humidity, temperature and ventilation. Within about 10 weeks you should have a so-called immature compost that you may use for mulching. Add another two weeks, and compost should be ready, matured and should have the typical brown colour and crumbly soil-like texture.


Photo: Pixabay

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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