Wild garlic propagation

Wild garlic

Wild garlic (Allium ursinum) is a sign that spring is finally here. Leaves of this plant are very aromatic and smell like garlic but they are not that spicy, so you can use them even if you do not like garlic that much. Wild garlic is a green plant and you can easily confuse it for lily of the valley, as the leaves are very similar. If in doubts, use your nose: rub a single leave of wild garlic between your fingers and smell it. If you smell nothing you got a lily of the valley.

Where can you grow wild garlic?

Wild garlic usually grows in shaded areas with moist and clay soil. If you want to grow it, you should provide these conditions. As soon as the weather warms up a bit, wild garlic should start to sprout. You can harvest sometime at the end of March. The season usually ends with the first flowers, which is usually in May . Leaves of wild garlic are not dangerous, even if you harvest when the plant is blooming. The only thing is that they have less nutrients and the taste is less garlicy. However, if you missed the harvest time for leaves you can also harvest flowers and eat them too!

Wild garlic

Photo: Pixabay


You may purchase wild garlic seedlings at some garden centres, but if you know someone who already grows wild garlic, you can ask him or her for seeds or even bulbs. Propagation is quite successful. Plant five to ten pieces at a time and they should go 5 to 7 cm deep. Seeds may go 1 cm deep and you should sow in autumn. If you already have wild garlic growing in your garden, you don’t have to worry about propagation. Wild garlic will spread by itself.


Be careful when harvesting. Do not pull the entire plants with roots. Tear off or cut off several leaves. You may soak leaves in water and keep them in the fridge and they will last for about a week. But you can also dry of freeze them or you can make pesto out of them. Wild garlic is great in a spring soup, which tastes and looks a bit like spinach soup. Try it.

Source: https://www.ireceptar.cz/zahrada/jak-pestovat-medvedi-cesnek.html

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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