Growing flowers on window sills facing the north side

Home plant

Windows facing the north side is every flower lover’s nightmare, but fortunately, there are plants that will thrive even under these conditions. Most often they make the room brighter and pleasing thanks to their beautiful leaves, but some also bloom from time to time.

Common ivy likes shady places

Ivy is very easy to grow and it grows well in shady or semi-shady places. Only certain varieties require a little bit more light to give you full coloration. Remember that ivy needs rather cold temperature during the winter (around 15-18 °C). If it is too warm it will die soon. Ivy is very resilient and pruning does not slow it down. You can prune any time of the year.

Clivia miniata or bush lily, tolerates shade and even smoke polluted rooms

This interesting plant likes light, but not direct sun. And it tolerates polluted air quite well. Cigarette smoke does not bother it. It requires gentle watering and winter rest but to keep it healthy you must remove old flowers.

Monstera does well at the north side

Monstera comes from tropical forests of South and Central America, so it likes high humidity and it grows very quickly. Take this speedy growth into account when choosing a suitable spot. Especially, its massive aerial roots may cause you trouble later, but do not remove them if you do not want to hurt your plant. If you still want to support its growth, place the flower pot or on a saucer filled with water.

monsteraPhoto: Pixabay

Spathiphyllum or peace lily likes cold and does not mind shady areas

Peace lily will thrive in an unheated bedroom, facing north. But make sure that the temperature never falls below 16 degrees Celsius. It needs moist air. If the air is dry, the ends of its leaves will start turning brown. If you want to encourage flowering, water moderately and use a fertilizer for flowering plants. The flowers of this great plant will stay beautiful for several weeks!

Fuchsia likes the shade. It does not want sun at all

Fuchsias come from the moist and cool mountain forests of Central and South America and New Zealand, where they form the so-called ground layer under trees. Fuchsias do very well in a shade or semi-shaded areas. Shade on your balcony is ok too. If you do not provide shade, fuchsia will fade quickly.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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