African violets – how to help them bloom more

African violets

Well, all you need is just a few clever tricks. This nice plant comes from East Africa and it has been loved by millions over more than hundred years, mainly thanks to a gentleman called Baron von Saint Paul who discovered this flower. In certain parts of the world it is called a Cape violet. It has a reputation of an undemanding flower. It will grow in a direct sunlight but also in a partial shade, it can deal with winds and tolerate dry air. Well, it requires fertilizing now and then.

It will thrive in a regular houseplant soil. Transplant it only when its roots are massive and have grow through the drainage hole in the flowerpot. Even beginners can grow this flower successfully but if you want your African violet bloom almost all year round, you need to know few tricks.

You need to buy the right plant and propagate properly

The most important thing is where you bought your African violet. Plants that produce flowers on tall, fleshy stems are best. Cut off fresh stems, remove the flowers and let them take root in a regular soil – cover the cuttings with plastic bag or glass. African violet propagated in this way will actually bloom more often and more abundantly then plants propagated using leaves – these are often sold in stores.

African violets

Photo: Pixabay

What else should you watch out for?

Use a small pot because smaller pot actually supports flowering. It often takes some time for the plant to flower again after transplanting. If the plant carries too many leaves it will not have enough strength to create flowers. Especially old leaves will take its strength away and leave less strength to bloom – so don’t worry and remove the oldest leaves every year.

Another important thing is humidity. Did you know that violets like dew? Well, this is because in nature they actually grow in desert-like environments and they get most of their water from the morning and evening dew. Spray them twice a week, but be careful and do not spray the flowers – cover them with a piece of paper. Small droplets reflecting the sun can actually burn their delicate beauty.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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