A magic called vinegar


The importance of vinegar in cooking is very clear. It has a reserved space in our cupboards and in addition to cooking it may be used for many other purposes. Its typical acidity is the thing that does the magic, and indeed our grandmothers used it often for many different things. What different things ? Well, we shall tell you in the following lines. Some uses are truly remarkable.

Vinegar can save meat and eggs

Do you want to store meat for an extended period of time? Well, simply rub it slightly with vinegar. Another great idea is to add few spoons of vinegar into meat stew and the meat will not “shrink” as much. A great vinegar trick will help you to cook eggs better too. Two tablespoons of vinegar added to the water will prevent the eggs from cracking and peeling will also be easier. You will see. And what about poached eggs? Just add two tablespoons of vinegar to the water and the taste of poached eggs will improve.


Photo: Pixabay

Vinegar as a universal cleaner

Need to dissolve grease? Vinegar will do the trick. It will also remove rust stains, mud, or even beetroot stains. Vinegar is excellent when you need to remove various deposits in your flower vase for example. The best way to do it is to pour hard rice into the vase and then vinegar. Let the stuff work for a while, shake the vase roughly to remove any hard deposits and that is it. You can also use vinegar to polish glass, gemstones or silverware. It is a great sanitizer too. Vinegar will also remove dirt from leather. Clean your leather sofa or handbags with vinegar and they will look like new. Vinegar also removes bad odors from shoes, the fridge or the waste bin.


Photo: Pixabay

Get rid of dandruff and warts!

There are many anti-dandruff shampoos but whether they work or not is debatable, to say the least. Plus they are very expensive. Time to try an ordinary vinegar water. It should be enough and dandruff should gradually disappear. As an additional bonus, vinegar will make your hair shiny! A little drawback is the fact that you need to use a shampoo to get rid of the smell… Vinegar is also excellent if you want to get rid of corns and warts and it also helps you to treat unpleasant and itchy insect bites.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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