Tips how to store daffodil and tulip bulbs


Mid-June is the time when you pull daffodil and tulip bulbs out of the ground. In order for the bulbs to grow properly next year, you must do the entire process correctly – both pulling out the bulbs and storing them. If you do not want to have an empty space in your garden, you can plant annual flowers or plants on the empty lot and enjoy them until autumn. Narcissus, commonly known as daffodil, should be transplanted every three to four years, and tulips after about two to three years too (sensitive types of tulip should be moved each year).

How can you find bulb easily?

Well, some of you may simply remember the positions. After all, these flowers bloomed during spring, so it should not be so hard to remember, right? Well, reality is almost always different, so we strongly advise you to to mark the spot while flowers have green stems and leaves. If you forget and leave the bulbs in the ground too long, they might not sprout. This is because each bulb creates a lot of small bulbs, but the small ones are less strong and may not bloom later. But on the other hand, if you pull the bulbs out of the ground immediately after flowering, bulbs will not have enough time to store sufficient amount of nutrients for next year.


Photo: Pixabay

How to pull bulbs out of the ground?

Some gardeners use special baskets designed to bulbs out of the ground easily and they work pretty well. Those of you who do not have this little “gadget” will need to improvise.Usually a smaller tool, such as a garden spade or digging fork will do if used carefully. If you are tempted to dig up the bulbs with a hoe or regular spade, there is a good chance that you will damage them.

What now?

After you removed the bulbs from the ground, you need to dry them so they are less susceptible to fungi and various diseases. You can do this by simply spreading them out on a paper and putting them in a dark place with a sufficient a draft. Leave them there for two weeks (make sure that individual bulbs do not lie on top of each other, if possible, they should not even touch each other). Before storage, carefully select those which are not damaged or rotten. Damaged bulbs will do nothing next year, so get rid of them.

Store only large bulbs

You should only choose bulbs with a diameter of at least 9 millimetres – smaller ones will not bloom. Sure, you can use small ones and grow them to the desired size, but it takes a long time, so no one really does that.

How to store bulbs

You can store dried bulbs (cleaned from excess soil) in crates over the summer, or you may pack them in a permeable paper bag. Plastic bags or various plastic packaging are not suitable. Keep bulbs in the dark, dry and warm room. The ideal temperature is around 20°C and it should not fluctuate too much. Bulbs are sensitive to temperature. Also make sure that the room is ventilated. Check bulbs occasionally for mould and if you see a bulb that may be catching mould throw it away.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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