The garlic harvest is here. Garlic storage and preservation tips


Everyone wants to preserve high-quality garlic for as long as possible but not everyone manages to harvest garlic in time. Unfortunately, if you do not get the timing right you can lose significant part of the yield. How long your garlic will last is partially determined when you harvest. If you do it late the usability goes down. We shall tell you when to harvest garlic and how to dry and store it properly.

When is the right time to harvest?

Well, you can harvest from the beginning of June until August. It all depends on the specific variety you have. Garlic plants mature between 16 and 36 weeks after planting. First, you harvest early varieties, such as Anton or Bjetin, which are Czech varieties. But Venetian is a late variety and stays in the ground the longest.A general rule says that softneck garlic should be harvested when about half of the plants are laying down. Garlic should have about 3 to 4 skins.If you have hardneck garlic you should harvest when plants still have 5 fleshy leaves and about 4 to 5 skins.Another indicator is when stems start to bloom. Stems are cut off but we advise to leave one on. The twisted one. When the stem begins to straighten up, you may start harvesting.


Photo: Pixabay

Do not cut the leaves

Drying garlic is simple. Tie plants together to make bundles consisting of 15 to 20 pieces and hung them in a shadowy place – no sun. Good air flow is also necessary. If you don’t have garlic with leaves you may spread the sticks on grates or directly on floor.Garlic usually dries in a month. If you have the skills you may braid garlic bundles. They look very nice, but it takes a little practice. After drying you should shorten garlic sticks to 3 cm and cut the root to about 0.5 cm.


Photo: Pixabay

A few garlic storage tips

You need to have optimal storage conditions. The temperature should be around zero Celsius – no exposure to freezing temperatures. Once again proper air ventilation is necessary. If you follow these requirements your garlic should last until the next season.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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