Process rosemary before the first frost hits


Rosemary, (Rose de Marie) came to us from the Mediterranean. The Romans called it the “sea dew,” because it thrived on slopes near seashores. In its homeland it grows up to 1.5 meters tall, but in Central Europe it is barely half of that.

If you grow it outside, you have to sow it or replant it every spring, because winter frost will kill it. And what about its green leaves? It may surprise you, but there are many different uses for leaves.

Rosemary improves digestion

If you add rosemary to your meals it will improve the digestibility of the food. Rosemary goes well with roasted meats, stuffing, potatoes, pizza or various pastries. It stimulates appetite, improves circulation in the digestive tract, but also helps reduce flatulence. If you add it to your dishes do so only at the very end of cooking, otherwise it will lose many valuable essential oils. Rosemary also increases blood pressure but at the same time it improves your memory.

RosemaryPhoto: Pixabay

Right now it is the best time to make a rosemary wine

You have no idea how to do it? Take a quality red wine that you like. Chop about two large handfuls of rosemary leaves per 0.7 litre of wine. Pour in and leave to rest for 3-4 weeks in a cool and dark place. Shake the mixture thoroughly every second or third day. Once the wine is ready, strain it and drink a small cup 1-2 times a day.

Dried rosemary sprigs

If you have dried rosemary sprigs just hang them in an airy place or put them in the dryer, but make sure that the temperature in the drier will not exceed 45 °C. Dried leaves are used to make a decoction (two spoons per litter) or tea (two spoons per cup). The extract is used to treat skin, to improve healing of wounds or to fight eczema. Tea on the other hand improves your memory and concentration.

You may also add the decoction to your bath. Bath with rosemary improves blood circulation, relieves joint pain and rheumatism, and its aroma helps against fatigue and mental exhaustion.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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