Human urine as a fertilizer?


Using human excrements as a garden fertilizer is virtually unthinkable in Europe. Yes, human “stuff” contains useful compounds and may work occasionally for any garden, but it also contains plenty of bacteria and substances that could be dangerous for humans. If used often, your garden could actually become toxic and full of germs and you do not want that.Nevertheless, we shall take a closer look at this approach because one Nepali farmer has been using human urine regularly and he loves his harvest…

A slightly different approach to fertilization

No flushing urine down the toilet. That is how a Nepalese farmer Dhivan Maharadhan thinks. This 47-year-old man saves excrements and then uses them to fertilize his own crops and he even says that this type of fertilization is three times more effective than chemical products.

Urine must be “matured”

According to a Nepalese scientist Dhanardan Khadka, it is necessary to let the urine sit for about 2 to 4 weeks in a container in order to reduce the risk of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. He is confident that using urine is safe and mixing it with compost is even better. Well, the family of the mentioned Dhivan Maharadhan can collect 100 liters of urine per month.


Photo: Radek Štěpán

Ratio between urine and water

The ratio between urine and water is important. Our friend farmer mixes one liter of urine with three liters of water and then he sprays the solution on the soil where he grows seasonal vegetables. According to a research, a liter of urine contains approximately 0.12% phosphorus, 0.9% nitrogen and 0.26% potassium. All these elements are known as NPK elements and regulate important metabolic processes in plants. It also contains proteins, also important for growth.


Photo: Pixabay

Better taste and quality?

The farmer also claims that vegetables fertilized with urine taste better and are of better quality. People in markets are even willing to pay him a few rupees more for produce grown in this way. It is said, that more than 3,000 households in Nepal now use urine for this purpose. The project is even backed by the Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO).

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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