How to grow loganberry – Rubus loganobaccus


Loganberry is a hybrid between raspberry and blackberry and therefore this compound name. Berries are dark red and conical in shape, similar to classic raspberries or blackberries. They are very sweet and juicy and usually eaten raw, but they are also great in compotes or jams – in short, you can use them as you would regular raspberries or blackberries.

Why Logan?

The first part of the name comes from a grower called James Harvey Logan, who cultivated this hybrid. Unfortunately, you will not find Loganberries in stores, because they have to be harvested by hand and have a rather short shelf life. This is why you should grow them. You may harvest during the summer but you should be careful, as the plants are quote “equipped” with many thorns . You must also provide enough space for the plant to grow properly and you should grow one separate plant. But do not worry, you will have a nice harvest for the next 10 years (and more).


Photo: Pixabay

What is the bests spot?

Choose a very sunny location with a well-drained soil. Do not plant Loganberry too close to fences, walls at other plants. Keep it at least 2 meters apart from other plants. A new plant looks like a bare wood with a root ball. You should plant in fall or early spring when the ground is no longer frozen or too cold. Some kind of support system is recommended – for example wooden stakes, a wire mesh or similar. A good idea is to soak the seedling in a bucket of water before planting. The hole for the new seedling should be twice as big as the root ball of the plant. Add compost to the bottom of the hole put the seedling inside cover with soil and water well. Plant at the same depth.

When will you enjoy the first harvest?

Most likely you will wait up to two years for your first harvest. Water regularly, especially during hot summer.

Pruning and shaping

A very common way to grow Loganberry is in the shape of a fan, for example against a wall or on a wire system. To achieve a rich harvest and controlled growth, prune the plant regularly in autumn. Get rid of old branches – those that have already provided fruit and leave green shoots as they will bear fruit in the next year.

Harvest fruit

Once the fruit turns red or purple, you may harvest. You can tell that the fruit is ready by gently pulling the fruit, and the fruit should easily separate from the central core. Handle the berries with utmost care as they are very soft and you can crush them easily. Do not collect berries in a deep container (the weight of the fruit on top will easily destroy the berries at the bottom and crushed berries will not last long). Wash the fruit thoroughly before consumption.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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