Few tips to grow great carrots

Are you one of those lucky people who can sow anything, do not care much about gardening, but are still rewarded with a great harvest? Well, not everyone is so lucky. Especially, if you try to grow carrots in less than ideal conditions, you know that the harvest will not be what you wish. Carrots are often deformed and they grow too many branches. In the following lines, we shall give you several tips that will help you to grow carrots that are not only beautiful in appearance, but also tasty.

Make sure to select the right variety

Daucus carota, is the Latin name for common carrot. It is a biennial plant that is harvested in the first year. Choosing the right variety is very important.There is a total of 55 varieties listed in the botany book! The length of the growing season of the particular variety is a very important and you must take it into account. Based on the growing season, carrots may be divided as follows:

  • very early varieties – approx. 90 days,
  • early varieties – from 112 to 125 days,
  • semi-early varieties – from 100 to 120 days,
  • late varieties – from 160 to 180 days.

Carrots may also be divided based on the storage time as short-term or long-term variety and carrots for direct consumption.

Photo: Pixabay

What is the best sowing spot for carrot?

Carrots belong to the group of plants with high demands on soil quality.Carrots love soil saturated with humus and lots of nutrients. But be careful if you want to use fresh manure. Carrots literally require fertilizers which are based on organic matter. Compost is best. The optimal time for sowing is March, however, if you want to grow carrots for direct consumption, you need to sow repeatedly and the latest sowing time is the end of June. You should also make sure that you do not plant in the same beds where you have other plants belonging to the Apiaceae family, such as celery, dill, chervil, fennel and others. A four-year interval should be observed before you start growing carrots in the same spot again. By doing so, you will avoid black root rot, nematodes or carrot flies.

Create raised rows if you have heavy soil

Thinning is another important step. Beware of stony and too moist soils. A medium-heavy soil with no stones is optimal. Growing carrots in raised rows is catching on once again but make sure to create the rows about 3 days before sowing to ensure the soil settles down. Raised rows are similar as rows for potatoes. Use a rake to create the raised rows – after you mix it with compost. The height of the rows should be around 10 cm and the width about 50 cm. The upper part should be flat – not pointy Two to three lines of carrots should fit in one row.This method will give you an easier harvest, better air flow and easier veggie bed maintenance.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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