Christmas Star flower (poinsettia) can bloom for 3 months, if you take care of it


Did your poinsettia faded away just before Christmas Day, or did you try to keep it “alive” until Christmas Day but it still died? Well, many people think that this beautiful plant simply does not last long enough. But it is not actually true, because poinsettia can keep blooming for 3 months. So what you need to do to prevent early fading? Read on.

Choosing the right plant is very important

Poinsettia comes from Mexico and is used to a completely different and much warmer climate. It hates cold, so do not buy it at markets or shops where it was exposed to drafts or cold winds. If it is displayed near the entrance, it is has probably been doomed already and it may die short after you put it on your table. Also check whether the plant has any undeveloped buds. These are not the coloured upper leaves, but the buds are located right in the centre of the leaves. Also check the soil moisture. Before you bring it home wrap it thoroughly in a paper and bring home as soon as possible.


Photo: Pixabay

How often should you water?

Poinsettias do not like too much water. If you overdo it, it is very likely that your Christmas star will start to lose leaves or its beautiful colour. Water twice a day and use only small amount of water and use only water that has been sitting for a while and is at a room temperature. Occasionally, you may also spray the plant but do not put a saucer with water under the flowerpot. Add a regular fertilizer for indoor plants to the watering dose. The optimal room temperature is between 15 and 22 degrees Celsius. The place should be rather bright, but keep it away from heating and again, protect it from drafts and winds.


Photo: Pixabay

Do not to throw away poinsettias

With proper care, your poinsettia will bloom next Christmas again! Just make sure that you trim it properly after the holidays, reduce watering and transplant it into a larger pot. Place it on a bright place and add a regular fertilizer to watering once every two weeks. It will take several weeks before you see green decorative leaves again. And when September is over, put it in a completely dark location for 14 hours a day. This will encourage poinsettia to grow new coloured leaves.


Photo: Pixabay

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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