Growing aloe vera at home

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a resilient plant with a distinctive shape. It is also very useful for treating or alleviating skin problems. In addition to the beauty aspect, aloe vera is also used to strengthen hair and promote healthy digestion. As far as the growing goes, the plant is very undemanding, so even a complete beginner can grow it. Aloe vera is an ideal plant for a flowerpot and it does not require much care. Due to its undemanding nature you will see it in offices, student apartments and the like. Simply put, in busy peoples rooms…

History of aloe

Aloe vera was already cultivated in the ancient Egypt, and it was called the “plant of immortality”. The first records of aloe in Europe date back to 1655, but the plant has been growing on the Arabian Peninsula for millions of years. Currently, you will find aloe vera in Mediterranean countries but also in Indonesia, Mexico and the Caribbean. There are about 300 varieties of aloe plants but the most famous is aloe vera.

Aloe vera

Photo: Pixabay


Aloe vera is typical for its strong blue-green leaves 40 to 50 cm long with serrated edges. They grow in a rosette that can be up to 100 cm tall. Aloe vera is a tough succulent plant – it stores water and nutrients in its leaves which allows it to survive dry seasons. It will also help you to keep the air in your house clean. In nature, aloe vera has to survive in an extremely hostile desert climate and this is why it produces more than 75 active substances and uses them to survive. If you damage or cut leave of aloe vera, the plant immediately seals the cut with a coagulating juice (similarly as human blood does).

Decorative appearance

If you want to enrich your home with another plant that will be undemanding but still beautiful, aloe vera is the right choice. Aloe does great in clay or wooden pots and it goes well with other succulents. Before you buy aloe in a garden store, check the connections between leaves and the stem. This is where potential pestsusually hide. It is very difficult to get rid of them, so if you find any suspicious looking stems do not by the plant.


Aloe likes a bright, sunny place and you can put it on your terrace or balcony in the summer. A bright spot is important because if you leave aloe in a place with insufficient light for too long, it will begin to stretch and will try to follow the light causing leaves to turn pale. But if you provide enough light, it can withstand very harsh conditions. You should fertilize aloe vera once a month.


Aloe stores water in leaves and uses it to live through dry seasons that occurs in the nature. So, it should be able to cope with “harsh” conditions at your place very well. Water once every two weeks. Yes that is enough.

It is advisable to let the soil dry well before watering. If you water too much you can harm it and your plant may start rotting. Simply put, dry soil is better than too much water.


Aloe blooms after a short period of rest (winter), during which you should water very little and should not fertilize. As the days begin to lengthen, the plant begins its growing season and that is the time when you should start watering a bit more and fertilize.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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