Do not waste cut grass. We shall tell you how to use it


Regular lawn mowing is a standard gardening activity, which must be done no matter what. From time to time you must get your lawn mower ready, mow your lawn and then throw the cut grass somewhere, or you may bring it to a composting plant, organic waste centre, or some of us even throw it in a trash can. These are the available options and few of us have ever thought that you may actual use the cut grass productively. Yes, there are several ways and we shall look at these alternatives in more detail.

Using cut crass as a mulch on flower beds

Short cut grass can be used in several ways. You may use it to create a layer of organic matter that will be able to prevent the soil from drying out quickly. On colder nights, grass mulch may be used as an optimal protection for many plants. This will help you to keep the temperature relatively constant at the covered spots. However, avoid excessive mulching when the weather is wet. Too much moisture under the layer will attract snails and other animals that you do not need in your garden.

strawberry grassPhoto: Radek Štěpán

Where is the mulch used?

Mulch may be used in many different places. Traditionally, mulch is layered around fruit bushes and fruit trees. This is done to create a covered area that will prevent the growth of weeds. If you wish to push the mulch into soil use a hoe or rake. You will enrich the soil and create an environment suitable for a variety of microorganisms. Mulch will also do good to gooseberries, jostaberries, or even to plum or apricot trees. Just be careful when working the mulch into the soil as not to damage the root system of the trees.

Can you put cut grass into compost?

Cut grass is the ideal basis for high-quality compost. If you mix the grass with soil, remains of various plants, or possibly with crushed green twigs, you will have a very valuable compost. Grass also creates heat as it decomposes and heat eliminates germs, pests and diseases. We advise you to set up a space in the back of your garden for compost and mix the grass with soil and debris there. This way your compost will be well ventilated and when it has matured sufficiently, you will have a great organic fertilizer for your garden.

Photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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