The time is right for elderberry syrup – production made easy


Summer is already here and the temperatures are attacking 30 °C and to be able to enjoy a great refreshment in this natural sauna is definitely something that everyone loves. A great choice is an elderberry syrup mixed with water and plenty of ice, and if you make this syrup at home, then you will have an organic alternative that you can brag about. There is nothing complicated about it as you will learn from the following lines, so read on and pay attention.

Get plenty of elderberries

Take scissors with you and you are ready to go. The best time to collect the flowers is right now and it will not last that long. Elderberries or black elder blooms until the second half of June, sometimes little longer but only in higher altitudes. Best time to collect is when the flowers are well developed and you see plenty of pollen on them. Just make sure there are no aphids on the flowers, as you know aphids are everywhere, but at least they are mostly black aphids and you can notice them easily on the white background.

elderberryPhoto: Radek Štěpán

Quite simple and quick syrup

Have you already collected enough flowers? For one dose of syrup, you will need 40 midsize flowers and the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of citric acid
  • 4 midsize lemons,
  • 2 kg sugar, best crystal or cane sugar,
  • 2,5 litres of water.

elderberryPhoto: Radek Štěpán

It will take some time to make it right

First, you need to boil the water in advance and then you soak the flowers in it for 24 hours. Do not forget to add lemon and citric acid to the water. When everything is done and 24 hours have passed, drain everything and start the process. Bring the water to a boil and maintain the temperature around 80 °C and add sugar slowly. If you use a cane sugar the mixture will darken a little. When you have dissolved all the sugar you may pour it into bottles. Let the bottles cool down and store them in a cool place, but best in the refrigerator. Refrigerated syrup will last you until your next elderberry harvest. That is unless you drink it all.

Video: Youtube Radek Štěpán

Photo: Pixabay

elderberry, elderberry syrup, Syrup, Home syrup, Homemade syrup

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.

1 comment

  1. I’m not a native English, so I apologize for any mistakes, but I have to really praise you, I tried more of the procedure for Elderberry syrup, but yours is the best

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